The Mission
A Literary Purpose

HeBrain House (HH) Publishing's mission
is to build a community to support authors, artists, businesses and entrepreneurs
who are determined to reach our generations with the truth on all levels of our lifestyle.
HeBrain House (HH) publishes relevant material to assist in living a lifestyle according to the scriptures. We also support Israelite businesses and wholelistic products. The goal is to help brothers and sisters to grow steadily TOGETHER as believers in Christ. The same brothers and sisters desire to show their love by keeping the commandments.
HeBrain House (HH) is a community of creative souls. They accept their responsibility to spread the truth throughout the four corners of the earth one home at a time. They are artists, authors, storytellers, psalmists, educators, builders, sellers; the extent of our talents are inexhaustible. We are embracing and using our gifts and talents for the growth of the body of Christ.
The HeBrain House website brings us all together swiftly.
HeBrain House Publishing connects the people striving to 'Live this Life," with like-minded brothers and sisters creating to keep Israel strong spiritually despite this worldly environment.
As the Most High uses His hand to restore us as a people, we continue to support them with quality tools & products to sustain and endure until the end.
From the creators desire to unify, strengthen and grow our people to a publication delivered straight to the reader. HeBrain House Publishing not only produces quality Israelite publications; we also keep your fingertips at the pulse of our people of supplying our demand.
Qam Yasharalah!