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Book Release May 22, 2025

​Each little Israelite girl is born full of virtue. A precious vessel filled by Ahayah with a distinct purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). One of the key understandings parents are responsible to firmly transfer to their daughters is that she is an heir of royal blood. Instilling the true identity within our daughters helps them to recognize their tremendous value in kingdom building. Their purity and value are identified as their VIRTUE as you read through the pages of this book. The author communicates through silhouette illustrations the scriptural references describing the role of a virtuous woman.  Give your princess, soon to be queen, a fighting chance to see an additional example of a Virtuous Woman to fight the social influences reaching for her mind today.

My Son Attends to Wisdom_shinking.jpg
Book Release June 22, 2025

Each little Israelite boy is born with a mantle upon his head. A noble vessel purposed by Ahayah to lead and judge according to the scriptures (Jeremiah 1:5). One of the key understandings parents are responsible to firmly transfer to their sons is that he is an heir of royal blood. Instilling the true identity within our sons helps them to recognize their responsibility and value in kingdom building from birth. Their purpose and responsibility are identified as they attend to WISDOM as you read through the pages of this book. The author communicates through silhouette illustrations the scriptural references describing the role of a son who gives attention to wisdom.  Give your prince, soon to be priest and judge, a fighting chance to see an additional example of a Man who attends to Wisdom to fight the social influences reaching for his mind today.

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